Tiarra Earls had her most profound, sudden awakening in 2019. But she has had many spiritual awakenings and shifts since 2011, when she first met her twin soul online. She grew up in a fairly traditional household, with two parents who worked long hours and were therefore often physically and emotionally unavailable. This created wounding around perfection, control and people pleasing that led her to seek out professional pursuits that ultimately led to repeated burnout. Eager to break this cycle, she sought the support of several arch angels and gods, and her good friend Ali, who have helped her unpack her trauma, work to overcome her ego, and change her perspective and behaviors.
Tiarra is passionate about serving the collective and after several supernatural experiences and encounters with energetic beings, she sought out a platform to share these experiences and help others who are on similar journeys of ascension. She does not sugarcoat the difficulty of this kind of healing and shadow work, and has come close to quitting several times because of the mental and emotional strain. It is through the grace of the gods and angels that she is still here pushing past the discomfort of her journey to assist the collective – because that is the fire she carries in her heart.
Tiarra has had several entrepreneurial endeavors, is knowledgeable in womb healing and energy work, and is a highly skilled tarot reader. She is a conscious clear channel (fueled by the Goddess Frequency), certified Reiki and Womb Light practitioner, and offers trauma informed spiritual guidance.