Ali O’Shea

Ali O’Shea has been on a spiritual journey for most of her life. Her journey began in childhood having grown up with a spiritual mother and living in a holistic household. Ali has always had a wandering spirit and her journey was set into high gear during 8+ years of worldly travels. Traveling presented opportunities that led her to meet a wide variety of people, places and cultures that helped cultivate a broad range of perspective, appreciation and understanding. It was such a profound journey that led to inner reflection, healing and connecting to her True Self.

Through these experiences, Ali discovered her life purpose. That is to assist with the global ascension process and assist other souls in their complex healing journey, to help them ascend as well. She and Tiarra share a close spiritual bond which is rooted in multiple lifetimes of spiritual support. Ali has many spiritual gifts to assist others in their journey. She is a divine channeler, a powerful empath, an ascension coach and very connected to source.